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It's Spring Time ;)


Finally!!! This was not the winter to live on the east coast! But it's over and I'm just a few weeks away from completely packing away the NorthFace's and switching out the sweater dresses for sun dresses! Boots go away and the open toe pumps come out ;) Night skiing at Seven Springs is replaced with sailing at Bethany Beach!!! Yes, this is definitely my time of year!

The other best thing that comes with spring? Classes are over!!!! Done for the summer ;) Woo Hoo!!! Okay party for me! From now until the first week of May things are going to be a little nuts on my end and I'm mostly going to be grounded in DC. I'll start touring and I promise my friends in NYC, Boston, Chicago and Cleveland I will definitely be there by June ;)

If you take a look at my website you'll notice that a few changes have been made, nothing crazy but a few. This blog is probably the coolest ;) It is going to replace my old "Blogger" blog so if you want to read any back blog posts you can find them here -

I hope you like the changes and if there's something you'd like to see on my site or want to here my opinions on something you can always send me an email to


Lizzie Beth

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